6 CEUs for CAE/CMP
Track 1: Choice of Helping Hands
A new session concept aimed at providing a safe space for AENC Members to work together to help solve each other’s “real-time” business-related problems. These sessions will be moderator-led and will follow a protocol to ensure a disciplined and focused approach. All Members participating will hear from colleagues and will benefit from the sharing of collective knowledge and Members will have a chance to gain a deeper connection with fellow AENC Members/Colleagues. Click here for more details (including process and structure of the session).
Helping Hands: AENC CEOs Edition
(Association CEOs and Executive Directors Only, pre-registration required, limited to 20)
Moderator: Heather Wrenn, CAE,
CEO, NC Chiropractic Association
Helping Hands: AENC FUEL Young Professionals Edition
(FUEL Young Professionals only under the age of 40, pre-registration required, limited to 20)
Moderator: Meg Palumbo, CAE, Director of Customer Strategy, Novi AMS
Track 2: Breakout + General Session 1 (Virtual Track)
Breakout: The AI Revolution: Unlocking the Future
Moderator: Chuck Gallagher, Speaker & Author
Are you ready to unlock the full potential of AI for your organization? Join us to demystify this game-changing technology and explore the possibilities it holds. Our live demonstrations, including ChatGPT,, Quillbot, Soundraw,, and midjourney, will give you a firsthand look at what's possible.
Don't miss this chance to stay ahead of the curve and gain the knowledge you need to drive innovation and growth in your organization.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the fundamentals of AI and its potential impact on your business
- Explore real-world applications of AI, including live demonstrations
- Discover how to implement AI in your business to drive innovation and growth
- Identify potential ethical and legal implications of AI and strategies to mitigate risk.
General Session 1: Improvising Your Emotional Intelligence: How To Communicate, Validate, and Collaborate To Relate
Speaker: Gina Trimarco, Recruiter; Founder, Pivot10Results & Carolina Improv Company; Host & Producer, Women Your Mother Warned You About
Managing up, down and sideways takes work. More importantly, it requires emotional intelligence. While many thought leaders have shed light on the importance of EQ, they often omit the “how-to” part of improving one’s EQ. In this interactive session, speaker, trainer and improv performer Gina Trimarco will share her three-step framework for improving your emotional intelligence so that you can develop and foster productive relationships in business and life.
General Session 2 - 365 Advocacy - Building a Year-Round Strategic Program - PANEL
Moderator: Robert Broome, CAE, Director of Advocacy, North Carolina Association of CPAs
Panelists (in order L to R in photo above):
Anne DarConte, CAE, HillStaffer
Kim Crouch, Walk Up Advocacy
Claire McDonough, Quorum
Advocacy is a core association function that requires a proactive, cross-functional, strategic approach throughout the year, not just when the legislature is in session. Our panel of association leaders and advocacy experts will discuss the building blocks of an effective year-round program. From issues management and advocacy communications to grassroots engagement, political fundraising, and working with consultants, they will help you craft a road map that delivers results.
General Session 3 - Conflict Re-Imagined: Be Your Best Buffalo
Speaker: Jerry McCormick, President, Personal Safety at Work
This keynote's research is based on the origins of conflict in communication, the challenges that conflict brings in our everyday lives, and concrete solutions to effectively manage conflict in your professional and personal life. Over the past 18 months, Jerry has researched back to the year 1481 to understand conflict and built the course to help show leadership in the way we resolve conflict with an interesting twist to his research of violent crimes. Basically, if you take the time to learn how to properly resolve conflict, you might be able to change potentially harmful situations to more peaceful resolutions simply by taking some proven conflict resolution tips and properly putting them into action. The key is to take control of the conflict rather than be in the conflict yourself. Jerry will show you how to "Be Your Best Buffalo".
General Session 4 – ETHICS: Every Choice Has a Consequence - Why People Stray Off the Straight & Narrow and How to Get Them Back on Track
Speaker: Chuck Gallagher, Speaker & Author
Each choice we make and each step we take provides the foundation for our future. Wherever you are right now — regardless of the circumstance — your choices define who you are and the outcomes you will live. While your employees may be aware of this on some level, do they truly realize the power behind the choices they make on a daily basis? More importantly, what’s the risk to your company if they don’t?
In his unusually authentic style, Chuck reveals the consequences of the unethical decisions he made in his own attempt to build the great American dream for himself and his family. This powerful ethics presentation is filled with unforgettable messages of success and failure, illusions and reality, and choices and consequences.
General Session 5 – Pink Goldfish - Amplify Differentiation to Stand Out in the Marketplace
Speaker: Stan Phelps, Author and Speaker,
How does your organization stand out in a sea of sameness? This program provides an unconventional eight-part F.L.A.W.S.O.M.E. framework for achieving competitive separation.